Friday, October 10, 2008

Embarrassing Moments Part 3

So, this one happened recently. Today, in fact.... Let me give you some background:

I was sitting at my desk of bondage sometime between 8 and 5 trying to get oral defenses scheduled for the graduating (or HOPEFULLY graduating) DMin students. There is one particular student who has been an absolute pain-in-the-rear and conveniently has Dr. Akin as his Faculty Chair. Looking through his file, there are copies of letters Dr. Akin sent to him on his letter head that I would have died were they addressed to me! Let's just say they are very "honest." This individual has been very difficult in getting his defense scheduled. Out of frustration, my boss decided being locked in a room with Dr. Akin alone for 2 hours is just what this guy needs for his oral defense.

That started a chain of emails back and forth between Dr. Akin, Dr. Ewart, Dr. Robinson, Dr. Akin's secretary, and myself. The Drs. involved got quite funny refering to instruction or destruction in the oral defense, among other comments that will remain unrevealed!

We recently got new phones here with a nifty caller ID system. (19th Century here we come!) The only drawback is when someone transfers a person, it will pop up as the name of the person who made the transfer, not the individual calling.

(You probably are beginning to guess where this is going:) My phone rang and I saw "Kim Humphrey" on the ID. (Dr. Akin's secretary) Since the emails had just quieted down, I assummed she was calling to make some post-game comments! I picked up the phone and, instead of my usual "Dr. Ewart's office, this is Amber" greeting that I find myself repeating when I answer my cell phone, I sarcastically exclaimed, "I am so pretending I didn't read any of those emails!" On the other end, I hear a confused, "Hello?" from a voice that was most certainly not Kim's!

Oh, but it gets worse! As soon as I heard the unfamiliar voice, I must have jumped up in my seat because my foot slammed down on my hanging phone cord and disconnected it from the phone! Not only did I commit a horrific office faux pas, but I also disconnected the poor guy! I grabbed the phone cord, shoved the now broken plastic clip back into the phone with some tape, took a few deep breaths, contemplated transcendental reality, and then hit "redial."

Oh, but it gets worse. When I called him back, I said, "Hi, this is Amber Bowen from Dr. Ewart's office. I'm sorry I accidentally disconnected you. Can I help you with something?"
"Oh, yes. Thank you for calling me back. My name is so-and-so and I am one of the new Trustees."
He said something else after that... but I think I was visiting transcendental reality at that point!

It all turned out fine and gave the Kim Humphrey a good laugh when I ran over to Stealey to tell her what happened. I just found it funny about 5 minutes ago...

Its good thing I numbered my days here before they were numbered for me!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gotta love embarrasing moments! They make life much more fun(long after the fact of course!)