Thursday, October 9, 2008

Embarrassing Moments Part 2

Second Embarrassing Moment. This one caused quite a bit of strife between me and Bekah!

Bekah guilt-tripped me into joining her and her roommate, Cassie, for the Meredith Formal. I did not want to go to this event. I can barely stand to remain on the premises of the all-girl campus for longer than 16 hours much less attend a formal with them! I had a really bad attitude but was shamelessly manipulated into going. Leverage? The authentic Italian restaurant downtown where they make their own pasta and everything. It is owned by an Italian family. It's authenticity is marked not only by it's fresh-made pasta but by the Italian waiters who do a down-up when any member of the female gender walks in! "It will be good practice for you to learn how to portray politeness and niceness and don't-try-it-buddy at the same time!" Bekah said.

So, we got all dressed up for this formal and headed downtown for our evening of feasting before spending the rest of it with Meredith girls and their scared-to-death looking dates.

Walked in. Down-Up. Female waiter? Yes!! This isn't too bad! In the midst of our meal, we did notice a particular waiter kept coming to our table to check on us, give us water, act all buddy/buddy with our waitress, etc. We finished gorging ourselves and Bekah and I went up to pay. The waiter who had stalked us while we were eating suddenly changed roles and became the cashier! (Amazing!) Bekah was in front of me in line and he asked her where we were going since we were all dressed up. Bekah, making a sweeping generalization, said, "Oh, well, we all go to Meredith and are attending the formal tonight."
"So, where are your dates?" He asked.
Oh, great. I thought.
"Well, we just like going with girls." She innocently replied.
SIREN, SIREN!! Oh, please don't let him take that the wrong way!!!
At that moment, she had finished paying and was walking back to the table and I steped forward. He looked at me and said, "Well, looks like we have something in common! I don't like boys either!"
Remember the face freeze from the last post? Well, here it was again! My tongue was once again paralyzed and only managed to get out an unintelligible, "nnnnnn...." as I handed him my debit card.

I hope I spelled my name right because as soon as I gave him my signed copy of the receipt, I pounded my stilettos back to the table exclaiming, "BEKAH!!!! Do you realize what you just told him???????????" After intensely explaining what happened in a very loud whisper, she says, "Oh, Amber, he didn't take it that way. He wouldn't have made that comment if he thought we were serious." "OH, YES HE WOULD!!!" I angrily replied as we got our purses and stormed out the restaurant as I made sure I stayed a little farther away from her than usual!

We argued all the way back to the car and during the car ride back to Meredith. Poor Cassie, who was driving and directing us to where we needed to be as we continued to verbally lash each other, did an excellent job of containing her laughter. (or her eye rolling...not sure which one) She volunteered to get out of the car and get an umbrella from the room. When the door shut, we both became quiet and the silence left a buzzing lull in our ears. A few minutes later, Bekah says in a quiet voice, "Amber?"
"I'm sorry for making that guy think we are lesbians."

I am still holding that moment over her head to this day despite the fact that it suddenly became funny a few months ago when I was helping her pack for Italy!

Love you, Bekah!! Here's a picture from that night:


Melissa Pearce said...

and you didn't even have short hair yet! (been there.) so funny. what was the restaurant?
So, let's have some spelling class-- femail? hahahah. you make me laugh. i love you.

Amber Bowen said...

Ha! Thanks! It's fixed. :) The restaurant is called Vics. Downtown. Must go!