Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The foundation for Christian Ethics (living Christianly) is the the Greatest Commandment found in Matthew 22:37: "'love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind'...And the second is like it: 'love your neighbor as yourself.'" Those of us who have grown up in Christian families have heard this verse over and over again without fully understanding the depths of this commandment.

Jerry Bridges, in his book, "The Gospel for Real Life" renders a powerfully convicting explanation:

Have you ever thought about what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind? I don't think any of us can fully plumb the depths of that commandment, but here are some obvious aspects:

Your love for God transcends all other desires (see Exodus 20:3).

Like David, you long to gaze upon His beauty and seek fellowship with Him (see Psalm 27:4).

You rejoice in meditating on His Word, and, like Jesus, you rise early to pray (see Psalm 119:97, Mark 1:35).

You always delight to do His will, regardless of how difficult it may be (see Psalm 40:8).

A regard for His glory governs and motivates EVERYTHING you do - your eating and drinking, your working and playing, your buying and selling, your reading and speaking - and, dare I mention it, even your driving (see 1 Corinthians 10:31).

You are never discouraged or frustrated by adverse circumstances because you are confident God is working all things together for your good (see Romans 8:28).

Your recognize His sovereignty in every event of your life and consequently receive both success and failure from His hand (see 1 Samuel 2:7 and Psalm 75:6-7).

You are always content because you know He will never leave you or forsake you (see Hebrews 13:5).

The first petition in the Lord's Prayer, "hallowed by your name," is the most important prayer you pray (see Matthew 6:9).

Just so you all know, I completely fail this test.

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